
How to choose a good slogan

Persuasive, attractive, convincing and attracts a lot of attention, that’s how it should be a good slogan. Even if you already have your company’s brand, you cannot ignore the fact of associating it with a phrase that summarizes your values, your attributes and your service in a simple way and that always stays in the consumer’s mind. Only in this way will you get them to associate with your company, your product and your service. If you want to reinforce the function and image of your brand, continue reading this article from oneHowTo.com. On this occasion, we give you the keys that will help you know How to choose a good slogan. Do not leave this element to chance, it will be another advertising element. Take note!

Steps to follow:

1. Before you start thinking about your slogan you should know what it is about. In its etymological origin, the word “slogan” comes from two Gaelic words (“sluagh” “ghairm“), which means “crowd” and “cry”. That is why the word slogan is understood as a war cry, an emotion that leads you to action, to movement. That is why the business slogan must be a summary of the company’s intention, which causes something in the consumer. The slogan should be the brand’s rallying cry.

2. For create a good sloganthis must be simple and easily memorizable. The best thing is that it can be introduced into any everyday conversation, making it part of people’s lives, because in this way you will have managed to associate your brand with that war cry.

Make sure the slogan begins with an imperative, that is, with an order that gives dynamism and movement to the phrase. The intention is that, in addition to associating it with the company and brand, it incites consumer action.

3. On the other hand, the slogan must revolve around the company, its values ​​and its products. This is no longer important only at the level of identification, but also for positioning and knowledge of the company. Above all, this is an important option if the brand name does not speak for itself and the service and/or product offered is not known. Then, the slogan gains importance compared to the name of the company.

4. If possible, the slogan should be between three and five words. As we have already mentioned before, since it is something simple and memorizable, it should summarize everything in a short sentence. Likewise, it must be easy to pronounce by the entire consumer group. So if you consider that in certain areas of the country they do not pronounce a sound well, it is better that you avoid repeating it in the slogan. In short, a few words with few syllables that are easy to remember and pronounce is the safe bet to get a good slogan.

5. If you want the slogan, in addition to being memoizable and pronounceable, to be understandable, you must use concrete words and leave abstractions aside. Concrete ideas will resonate more with the public, without leaving much room for their imaginative capacity. Remember that the slogan is another method of sales and persuasion, so it must be understandable.

6. Creativity above all. Avoid traditional sayings, as well as simple proverbs or metaphors. You must be original, since if you use already known or used phrases you may not reach the main objective: for the consumer to associate said slogan with your company or brand. Avoid everything that is already very trite and used, and look within your imaginative and creative capacity for that slogan that defines you in an original way.

7. Brainstorming. To kickstart the creation of the slogan, you must do a brainstorming where you share the main ideas that that slogan should contain. Anything goes! Imagination and creativity will be your best allies for this task. It is important that you write everything down, no matter how useless it may seem to you, because the best slogan can emerge from a great paragraph or multiple ideas.

8. To make it more original, you can use double meanings or play on words. Remember that must be original and penetrate deeply into the consumer. The more impactful it is, the better. But yes, the slogan must highlight the strong and positive points of the product, as well as the company’s philosophy in a sincere way and without creating false expectations.

9. Make the consumer smile with your slogan. The more you get into the consumer’s mind and the more reactions – generally positive – you get from them, the better results the slogan will give you. Remember the basic premises: persuasion, creativity, simplicity and impact. It reaches the heart and mind of the consumer in a few words. Test it!

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