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How to remove bad smell from clothes without washing them

Excessive sweating, tobacco smoke, or other strong-smelling substances can leave an unpleasant aroma on your clothes, and it can be long-lasting. It is also quite common that when we leave a garment stored in the closet for a long time, it later has that typical smell like old clothes. Given this, some people wonder: how can I eliminate this unpleasant aroma from my clothes?

It is clear that the first solution would be to put them in the washing machine and give them a good wash. However, there may be times when you want to put on a garment right away and you don’t have enough time to run a washing machine, or you may not want to wash it so often so as not to damage it. At FoxWiki we want to give you solutions and, therefore, we have prepared this article in which we explain how to remove bad smell from clothes without washing them with a series of home remedies. Take note of these tricks!

Put your clothes in the freezer to remove the bad smell.

This remedy to remove bad smell from clothes without washing them may sound a bit exaggerated. However, it is quite effective, especially with denim garments, since the cold manages to eliminate the bad smell that remains impregnated due to the accumulation of the bacteria when we leave clothes stored for a long time in the closet. To perform this trick well put the clothes in the freezer so they don’t smell bad follow these steps:

  1. Carefully fold the jeans or whatever garment you want and then put the clothes in an airtight bag.
  2. Then place it in the freezer and let it cool for 45 or 50 minutes.
  3. When the time we have indicated has elapsed, take the garment out of the freezer and hang it for a few minutes so that the microorganisms that generate that odor are completely eliminated with the fresh air.

Steam bath with apple cider vinegar to remove bad smell from clothes

This trick is especially indicated for those times when we need an item of clothing for that day and we don’t have the time or desire to put it in the washing machine. Apple cider vinegar is a remedy that can be useful to eliminate bad odors due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which can neutralize the stench left by bacteria accumulated on our clothes. For use vinegar to wash clothes and remove the bad smell, but without putting it in the washing machine, it is best to do a steam bath.

For make an apple cider vinegar steam bath to clean clothes We will follow these steps:

  1. Go into the bathroom with the item of clothing you want to wear and leave it near the shower, hanging somewhere.
  2. Then fill a bucket with very hot water and add half a glass of apple cider vinegar to the same container. Stir the mixture a little so that it is diluted well.
  3. Now all you have to do is get in the shower and wash yourself in the usual way. The environment will be humidified thanks to the steam from the shower and the mixture will soak into the clothes until the bad smell is removed.
How to remove bad smell from clothes without washing them - Steam bath with apple cider vinegar to remove bad smell from clothes

Baking soda to eliminate bad smell from clothes

Baking soda is a natural product that is precisely indicated for domestic use, such as dry cleaning of clothes. We include it in this list because it has, on the one hand, antiseptic and antibacterial properties that eliminate the accumulation of bacteria in a garment. In addition, it also contains properties that regulate pH, so it neutralizes bad odors in clothing.

For Use baking soda to remove bad odor from clothes just follow these simple steps:

  1. Spread the baking soda over the areas of the garment where the bad odor is most concentrated.
  2. The dosage you need to spread on your clothes will depend on whether there are many or few areas that smell bad.
  3. Once you have spread the baking soda all over the garment, let it act for approximately 1 hour so that the substance absorbs the stench from the clothes and then shake it until the baking soda dust is removed.

You can consult more details about this trick in this other FoxWiki article in which we tell you How to use baking soda to remove bad smell from clothes.

Tea tree oil to remove bad smell from clothes without washing them

Tea tree essential oil is another very effective remedy for remove bad smell from clothes without washing them, since due to their richness in antioxidant substances and flavonoids they have powerful antiseptic properties and, in addition, they have a very powerful and aromatic smell. Thanks to this, the tree oil disinfects and eliminates the accumulation of malodorous agents, removing even the most unpleasant odors from clothing.

For use tea tree oil to remove bad smell from clothes You just have to follow this step by step:

  1. Mix half a glass of water with half a teaspoon of tea tree oil in a spray bottle.
  2. Shake the mixture every time you are going to use it and then spray the mixture on the areas of the garment where the bad smell is strongest, but do so with the sprayer a hand’s breadth or two away from the garment to avoid stains.
  3. Finally, let the clothes dry for 5 or 10 minutes in a place where there is air.
How to remove bad smell from clothes without washing them - Tea tree oil to remove bad smell from clothes without washing them

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