How to remove musty smell from shoes
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How to remove musty smell from shoes

The musty smell is quite unpleasant and, therefore, no one likes that stench left on their shoes. The problem with these types of strong odors is that they remain impregnated and the longer we leave them in the footwear, the more difficult it will be to remove them later. Generally, this smell appears on clothes when they are stored in the closet for a long time or when they are not dried properly. However, in the case of footwear, the musty smell may be caused mainly by excessive sweating of the feet or by the constant and daily use of sneakers.

In any case, this unpleasant smell can be eliminated thanks to a series of cleaning tricks that we offer you at FoxWiki. Keep reading this article and discover how to remove musty smell from shoes with different home remedies.

Tea bags to remove the musty smell from shoes

Infusion or tea bags are one of the most commonly used tricks to eliminate this bad smell from footwear. Because they are made with plants with aromatic properties such as chamomile, thyme, or cinnamon, or with fruits with a pleasant smell as is the case of lemon or orange, The infusion bags manage to absorb the humidity that is causing that stench in your shoes.

How to use tea for bad shoe odor

  1. To use this remedy, you will have to let the bags dry well (if you have used them for an infusion).
  2. Then you will have to put them in each shoe so that there is one in the toe area, a few others near the edges, and another at the heel of the shoe.
  3. Let them sit on the shoes overnight and remove them the next morning.
  4. You will be able to verify that your shoes will no longer have that stench.
How to remove musty smell from shoes - Tea bags to remove musty smell from shoes

Water and alcohol to remove the stench from sneakers

Another home remedy to eliminate bad odors is alcohol, since it is a solution with properties antiseptic and antibacterial so it helps both to clean the shoe and eliminate the accumulation of bacteria that is causing that musty smell.

Alcohol for bad shoe odor: steps

  1. Fill half of a spray bottle with water and the other half with alcohol.
  2. Shake it until the ingredients are well diluted and mixed.
  3. Once you have the remedy prepared, spray the inside of your shoes with this lotion, and then let it act for a while.
  4. When you notice that the bad smell has been eliminated, rinse your shoes with water.

Baking soda to eliminate shoe odor

Sodium bicarbonate is one of the most used products in cleaning of home. However, in addition to these uses, it is a natural remedy to eliminate that musty smell from our footwear since, on the one hand, it has antibacterial and neutralizing properties that eliminate the accumulation of microorganisms that cause this stench, and on the other hand, it has antiseptic properties that help clean and disinfect the inside of the shoes.

How to apply baking soda for the musty smell

  1. To use this remedy, you will only have to sprinkle the inside of your shoes with baking soda until they are well covered.
  2. Let the baking soda sit overnight to absorb moisture and bad odor from your shoes.
  3. The next morning, remove the baking soda by shaking the shoes and you will have them without that unpleasant smell.
How to remove musty smell from shoes - Baking soda to eliminate shoe odor

Lavender for a good smell in your shoes

Another of the best home remedies to remove the musty smell from shoes is lavender. It is an ideal medicinal plant to remove stench from footwear since it has excellent aromatic properties They will absorb bad odors and also leave a pleasant perfume on them.

Steps to use lavender for shoe odor

  1. To use this cleaning trick, you will simply have to cut a few sprigs of lavender and insert them inside your shoes.
  2. Leave them in overnight and remove them the next morning when you are going to put them on.
  3. You will be able to see that it will have left an excellent aroma on your sneakers and your shoes will no longer smell musty.

Lemon peels for a musty shoe smell

Lemon is a fruit that stands out for its acid flavor and excellent aroma of its shells, so it is very suitable for the musty smell of shoes. In addition to having a good smell, the peels have antiseptic properties that also help clean footwear to prevent these types of stinking odors.

How to use lemon to remove moisture from shoes

  1. Peel a lemon, making sure that the peels contain the whitish part (since this is what will be responsible for absorbing the bad smell).
  2. Put them in your shoes, letting them act throughout the night.
  3. The next morning, you will notice that the footwear has been free of any unpleasant odor and impregnated with the characteristic smell of lemons.
How to remove musty smell from shoes - Lemon peels for musty smell in shoes

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