How to remove slime from clothing?
However, while children play with it, it can stick to clothing and leave stains. How to remove slime from clothes? What are the most effective methods? At FoxWiki we help you discover how to remove slime from clothes in a practical and effective way.
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How to remove slime from clothes dry
When you need remove slime from clothes either by staining it make slime or when playing with your child, the first thing you should keep in mind is that if you let it dry a little you will be able to get it easier. At FoxWiki we give you these tips in this regard:
- Use A spatula or any other fine tool that you can place between the slime and the fabric. Insert the blade of this tool carefully and with gentle movements so as not to damage the fabric of the garment and little by little remove the pieces of slime that come out.
- Apply a dry cleaning product, which you can easily find in supermarkets and drugstores, on the area of the garment with slime and let it act for a few minutes, according to what the dry cleaning product packaging indicates. This will make the slime disappear and, if there is any trace left, use the spatula to finish removing it.
- To ensure that the remaining stain is completely removed, you can use pharmacy alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as they are effective remedies, but do not use them if the garment is colored.
Another challenge when remove slime remains from clothes It is when it is dry but it has dried so much that it is hard and there is a stain on the fabric. All you need in this case is to follow these steps:
- Toothbrush or clothes brush.
- Dishwashing soap.
- Water at room temperature.
Steps to remove dry and hard slime from clothes
- Use a cup or glass and place the piece of clothing with the stain on it.
- Soften the slime with water: let it act around 1 minute and repeat this step.
- Once the stain is soft, take the brush and remove as much slime as possible from the clothes.
- Add room temperature or cold water again. Also, add the detergent or dish soap.
- Use the brush again to completely remove the stain.
- Wash clothing in cold water to rinse thoroughly.
- Look carefully to see if the slime has disappeared from your garment and, if so, you can wash it as you normally do. Otherwise, repeat the previous steps until the clothes are spotless, as they may need a little more insistence if they were very hard and dry.
How to remove wet slime from clothes
As said before, the best way to remove slime from clothes is when it is dry, because if the mass is soft and wet, the task is much more complicated. Many people try to remove the slime at the same time it gets stained, but it is a common mistake. By trying to remove slime when it is wet, you will most likely make the situation worse: the stain will get bigger and the affected piece of clothing will increase. Therefore, at FoxWiki we advise you not to touch it until it dries. If you have a strong urge to remove the slime, try to find a way to dry it as soon as possible, but avoid handling it before. So, to get remove wet slime from clothes We recommend following these steps:
- If the amount of this product that has remained stuck to the fabric is large or there is a thick layer, try to remove as much as you can with your fingers but without rubbing, just pinching the most excess parts, those that do not directly touch the fabric. tissue. However, if the stain is small or the layer of slime is thin, it is best not to try to remove it while it is wet.
- So that the slime is dry and hard quickly and you can remove the mark as soon as possible, use a tool that dries the stain and speeds up the process. For example, you can use a hair dryer on cold air mode.
- Once you get it dry, rely on the advice explained in the previous sections to immediately obtain the results you want.
How to remove slime stains from clothes
Depending on the fabric of the affected garment, some slime brands after removing it completely. So, how to remove slime stains from clothes once everything is removed?
Before making a decision to eliminate them, repeat the procedures explained above for each case once again and put the garment in the washing machine, paying attention to whether or not they disappear completely after washing. If the stain has not completely disappeared, you can apply a stain remover product commercial or some homemade mixture that is effective in removing stains. You can use products such as baking soda, lemon, vinegar, pharmacy alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as long as it is not a delicate garment. For example, here you can learn How to use baking soda for stains and How to wash clothes with vinegar.
However, when washing this item of clothing and then drying it, be careful: if you put the item of clothing that has been stained with slime in the dryer, make sure that you have completely removed it before starting it, since Otherwise, it may cling to the fabric more intensely, due to the high drying temperature, and the problems in removing it later will be greater.
If some slime marks still remain, don’t give up. You’ve done everything you can, and at this point, you need to make way for the professionals. Go to a dry cleaner and ask for advice to get rid of the slime on your clothes or, directly, hire their services to solve the problem.
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